
As Google injects artificial intelligence into every product it possibly can, it’s also turning to AI to make its business more efficient. The company has launched a large language model named Goose that's just for employees. It is designed to assist with building new products, according to internal documents reviewed by Business Insider.The documents describe Goose as a “descendant of Gemini,” its big new large language model. Goose is “trained on the sum total of 25 years of engineering expertise at Google,” one of the documents states. “It can answer questions around Google-specific technologies, write code using internal tech stacks and supports novel capabilities such as editing code based on natural language prompts,” an internal summary of Goose reads.




Google has an internal large language model named Goose, designed to make employees more productive.


Goose is trained on "25 years of engineering expertise at Google.


IThe company is leveraging AI as part of a bigger efficiency push.

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